
SLEEK is delighted to launch Take Me Back, his latest collection of unique ‘street art’ paintings in conjunction with Dundee’s Summer Bash Streets Festival which runs throughout the city in July. The festival celebrates the world famous BEANO comic and SLEEK has produced several superb artworks featuring the Beano’s iconic central character DENNIS THE MENACE.

Take Me Back also includes new works depicting the ever-popular OOR WULLIE and other famous character such as SPONGE BOB, BART SIMPSON and ASTERIX, together with a first showing of his latest graffiti style artworks painted on to skate boards! Very cool and contemporary ideal for the modern home.

Painted in graffiti style using spray can aerosol paint on distressed wooden panel, SLEEK’s contemporary interpretation of these all-so-familiar subjects, have made him one of the most recognisable and collectable artists in Scotland today.

Also check out our SLEEK prints

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