Nael Hanna - 'Interpretations of Scotland' 2020

Nael Hanna is a name that now needs little introduction to the UK artworld. Forty years since he arrived at these shores never to leave, much has been written about his upbringing and creative migration from his birthplace in Northern Iraq. 

Perhaps of greater relevance, certainly to this his latest remarkable exhibition, is that he should have found in his adopted homeland of Scotland a landscape and people that at once he was to become so intrinsically attached. For Nael’s relationship with his subjects goes far beyond the visual drama and splendour of his subjects. His inherent understanding of the very particular sky, land and sea that uniquely characterises the nearby hills and coastlines close to his Angus home, possess a depth and sincerity only normally felt by one native-born. His expressive brush strokes and endless exploration of surfaces, imbue his work with a musical rhythm, and ‘Esressivo’ usually the tools of a Conductor. 

Since his auspicious years at Dundee’s Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in the ‘80’s, Nael has committed to an artistic and personal journey through the country that he has long called home. His creative energy is boundless and unquenchable, and his output over four decades has earned him a widely accepted reputation as one of the most distinctive and admired contemporary landscape painters in the UK. 

We are honoured to host Interpretations of Scotland 2020, a remarkable collection of new works by Nael Hanna. Enjoy! 

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